Growing up today isn’t always an easy process for everyone. Young people may experience difficulties around peer pressure (inc. from social media), sexuality and/or gender issues, low self-esteem, academic pressures and body-image problems (body dysmorphia) as well as all the sorts of challenges that can also affect adults. Because some young people may not have had the life experiences or built the reliable friend/family networks where they feel they can talk honestly about their concerns, the feelings can become more intense and really impact on enjoyment of life. Loss of motivation, low self-esteem, giving undue importance to what others think (feeling judged), depression, anxiety, eating problems and avoidance are some of the complications that can result.
A negative spiral of unhelpful thoughts, feelings and actions feeding off one another can quickly occur. Just Minded can help a young person with these sorts of issues by offering a targeted, confidential, completely non-judgemental listening service, the aim being to allow the person to: 1) express themselves honestly; 2) gain perspective and insight into their problems; 3) make choices about what they want to do instead.
NB, more complex young person (child and adolescent) mental health issues (e.g., eating disorders, self-harm, major depression) should be referred to specialist service through your GP, such as CAMHS. If you are not sure whether Just Minded is suitable for your needs, talk with us and we will help you source the right level of help.