Everyone experiences unexpected adverse events in their life. Be they, change of health or ability, loss of job or role, changes to your homelife or problems in the workplace. As humans, we respond to these with a range of emotions such as anger, despair, hopelessness, fear and frustration. We will often then fall back on well-trodden patterns, typically learnt in childhood, to attempt to ‘resolve’ the challenge – e.g., problem-solving, threat neutralisation, withdrawal, denial. Sometimes these reactions work, and we return to equilibrium, but other times our response can fail to address the challenge in the way we want – even make it worse.
At Just Minded we offer either a shorter term solution-focussed approach which is more directive, with the aim of helping you to come up with specific strategies to address specific challenge(s), or a longer term integrative-humanistic approach where the therapeutic relationship with the Counsellor enables you to learn about your wider ways of responding to challenges and learning new, perhaps more helpful or useful, behaviours that can be applied more generally in response to challenges.